Monday, November 22, 2010

Ghostbusters musings

If you didn't get around to picking up Ghosbusters "What in Samhain just happened?" I highly suggest you run down to the comic shop right now. I imagine it's still on hte shelves buried behind some trash like "Batman inc".
I used to really like Peter David. I'm not sure why I dropped off him, except that after Imzadi, his novels seemed to decline in quality, and increase in unnessary sex (Plot device, fine. I object when it's just gratutious). His name was on the cover though so I definately wanted to read it.
The Ghostbuster comics have really been hit or miss. I kinda like the faux manga, and I did enjoy the Gangster / hell one . Displaced agression however went a little too far ove rthe line in to cartoony territory....cartoonier than the cartoon used to be! The latest issue is a nice return to form. Peter is once again the money grubbing opprutunist we see in the movies, and Janine has a nice chance to shine.
In other news, Toys R us is probably sold out of the Ghostbuster 4 pack exclusive they got. i saw ONE left when we visited the store for Lydia's birthday and I was bumming we couldn't afford the $50 price tag. It's actually cheap considering the cost to get them off of Matty ....assuming you can even do so. Things sell out witin minuets up there and that's if you don't have any technical issues with teh website...which most people do! So far I haven't been able to buy a single thing off there and it makes me livid that I have to go to the scalpers ot get my He-Man figures.
Sorry. I promised myself I wouldn't rant about the suck that is matty Anyhow, Ghostbusters : good. Go find the comic

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