Thursday, January 24, 2008

Blue and Gold?

I saw it in the Christmas wish list back in the December issue of either Green Lantern or JLA. Booster Gold’s wish was for the return of the Blue and Gold team. Specifically, the return of Ted Korrd; Blue Beetle.

Here’s the thing about Booster Gold. He’s impossible to like. He’s designed that way, to be the worst elements of the Yuppies, Liberals, Conservatives, jocks and gigolo. He didn’t work back when his own title first came out in the 80’s, and I don’t see how he could possibly work now.

Keith Giffen figured out how though, He saw the character was about to be banished into limbo and came up with the solution . Pair him up with another character that is floundering. In this case it was Blue Beetle.

Blue Beetle was a Charlston charactered aquired by DC when they bought the catalogue. Originally slated to be in Alan Moore’s Watchmen, they decided not to go that route in favor of trying him out in his own series. The problem is that while Beetle works in the context of Charlton Comics (really well actually) you put hi min a world with Superman and Batman and he seems just a little bit…silly. Mabey it’s the goggles…or the flying bug….I don’t know.

Pairing Blue Beetle and Booster Gold was a stroke of comedy genius. They embodied the whole “Buddy Cop” stereotype, and played off each other perfectly. Quite often, they were the only reason to read Giffen’s Justice League.

There’s a new Blue Beetle in the DCU. I tried him out a couple of times, but he just doesn’t interest me. This storyline in Booster Gold though…
I remember when similar stuff was happening in Green Lantern. The writers would find a way to sneak Hal Jordan into the series along side of Kyle. The Hal fans would hope beyond hope that this was it, they were bringing Jordan back. Sales would go up. Finally I would laugh in their faces and point out I knew all along Hal wasn’t coming back. You fell for it!

Suddenly I know how they felt.

Booster Gold Just dosen’t work without his little buddy. I see on the DC site that this arc will be going on for a couple of months, but I cn’t see how they could make this come back permanent, yet I hope they do.

So sorry to all of those Hal Jordan fans I unfairly teased, but you got your boy back…isn’t it my turn now?

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