Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Okay, let me just say, I wasn't a big fan of the Salvation Run concept. I fugured this was just DC's event de jour and I have attempted to avoide as many of these as I can. I actually only took a look after JLA refrenced it...yes I know that was the trap and I willingly walked in.

I loved it.

It reminded me of the old Suicide Squad stories, the dynamics were thre and teh characterizations were wonderful. I was especialy pleased with the way Luthor was portrayed. This was a really well done series and surprisingly tehre are very few tie ins.

So why can't they coordinate it correctly??? Catwoman is WAY out of synch with SR, and the JLA sub-plot was completely useless, especially being seperate as it was(add another issue to SR or something. It could have been a good sub-plot if it had been contained within the series). The Suicide Squad mini had nothing to do with SR, but it ran concurrrently to the series (even though it takes place some time before SR - confusing anyone?). Now, the last issue dosen't even come out this month! No SR For May! June is the release date! In the mean time, Grodd shows back up in Flash, Catwoman shows Selenia back on Earth...so does JLA....

DC, you guys are the big boys. This isn't Rob Liefield's Image or Post-Shooter Valient. You need to do better. The Superman titles have shown (at least in the past) incredibly tight continuity. The Bat titles (with as vast a selection as there are) have given it a good shot. This series shouldn't have been too hard. It was small, and it had genuinely good ideas behind it. I know you will probably collect it in a trade paperback, but if you keep buchering the serial titles you'll soon find that you have no more stories to collect in trades.

Better luck next time.

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